Bruce and Ludmila |
Привет Виктор и Анфиса!
Спасибо вам большое за ангела хранителя!!!!!
Буду на него смотреть.
Ксати , я когда-то гадала , мне бабка сказала что у меня очень сильный ангел хранитель, и зовут его ( это правда не смейтесь, она так и сказала)-Анфиса. Вот так.
У меня все так же хорошо. Брю своего обожаю, нарадоваться не могу, такой он у меня славный. И по дому поможет- посудку помоет, стирку унесет принесет. Вот только не гладит- не любит он это дело.
В среду пойду сдавать теорию на права водительские- без машины туго. Сижу дома. Правда сижу в интернете и не замечаю как день прошел иногда сижу сижу и слышу машина едет.
Брюс с работы и я бегом бегу в спальню снимать пижаму и одевать домашнюю одежду. Вот так совсем разленилась. Скорее бы уже в колледж учиться. Да вставать буду рано- в 9.00 занятия начинаются. А то я тут сплю до 12.00. Поправилась на 4 кг. Не курю ж , а есть хочется. Ну с этим я быстро справлюсь, когда водить буду. Буду в спорт зал ходить. Мы иногда с Брю бегаем по вечерам в лесочке.
А мне так не охота, я ему скажу , может завтра... а он и соглашается.
Народ там в Питере без вас как без рук. Говорят не можем без главного консультанта и шагу сделать:)))))
Виктор найди пожалуйста моему ....какого нибудь ПРИНЦА. Измучилась она с этой работой. И не найдет она сама себе . Помоги девочке......
Спасибо вам за поздравления. Да я теперь Мила Хафф.
Так мне нравиться это писать......
Виктор , дорогой спасибо тебе за все. Я тебе так благодарна....... Прям слов у меня нету.
Так хочется посидеть с вами в кофейне кофейку попить, да поговорить о том о сем......
Что то у меня защекотало в носу........
Пора заканчивать.
Классного вам отдыха.....
Robert and Victoria |
Unfortunately there is no letter from Robert and Victoria. A year after wedding Victoria visited our office and gave us her wedding photo. Now Victoria and Robert live in Alaska USA. They are happy in marriage. They have a daughter. |
Peter and Tatiana |
ПРивет,Виктор и Анфиса!
Приятно было получить от вас письмо!У нас новость,мы купили дом с большим садом,сейчас все в ремонте(строимся,пристроили кухню большую,получилось классно,как с картинки :-)) потом вышлю фото.В доме меняем абсолютно все,работы еще на 2 года хватит,да и сад тоже требует времени.Вот этим мы и занимаемся,конечно,вся работа на Питере,а я только помогу,что смогу(Олеся не дает делом занитаться) Мы в Питере будем скоро(13 августа)аж 5 недель(Ретер отпустил без проблем,сказал,что я без вас спокойно буду ремонт делать,а то все ругаемся....)Я всегда знала,что у меня будем малыш,вот была б немного помоложе,еше бы родила,но... НЕ дает мне Олеся писать,буду закругляться. Счастливо еще пару фото Олеси |
Tommy and Ksenia |
Здравствуйте дорогие Анфисочка и Виктор!!!
Спасибо Вам за поздравления и, что помните о нас!!
Мы с Томми теперь дружная и счастливая семья! Не обижайтесь, что мы не сообщили вам эту новость. Мы вспоминали о вас постоянно, но так много нужно было обо всем позаботиться, что я даже с друзьями не контактировала. Сейчас я получила грин-карту и строю карьерные планы. Место, в котором мы живем просто чудесное - настоящая сказка! Я влюбилась в Америку и Флориду и ощущение, как будто всегда здесь жила! Томми оказался для меня великолепным мужем и я нисколько ни пожалела о своем выборе! Его родители приняли меня как дочь, что тоже очень немаловажно!
Я очень благодарна Вам и вашему агенству за то, что помогли нам с Томми сблизиться и так прекрасно начать наше знакомство! Это часть нашей истории и мы всегда будем помнить то прекрасное время, которое Вы организовали для нас самым наилучшим образом!!!
С наилучшими пожеланиями вашему Супер-агенству и лично ВАМ в наступившем новом году!!!!
С уважением Ксюша Эспосито
Dear Victor and Anfisa,
Thank you for the wonderful words! We missed you both and thought of the times we all shared very often. I am sorry that we have not kept in touch the way we wanted. There is just so much going on and we really have not had too much time to even be on the computer. I hope you are both doing very well. Lets keep in touch. We are both very thankful that you helped us to find each other. I will always remember that and the times that we all shared. I'm sending a few photos that are my choice. Ksusha had time to write her letter and saved it on the computer for me to finish with mine. She's not here at the moment so she did not have a chance to see the photos I chose - probably she would have a better choice, haha. We have more and will put them on the computer soon. I will have her pick and choose which other photos to send to you. Send us an email any time and I will be looking foward to the time we will all have a chance to meet again.
I send my love and regards to both of you. I send a smile and wave to everyone else at the agency. I miss St Petersburg!!
Здравствуйте дорогие Виктор и Анфисочка!
Вот уже два года как мы знакомы с Томми и с Вами! Я становлюсь все счастливее и счастливее будучи его женой. Том очень заботливый, работящий, добрый, поддерживает меня во всем. Все, что я и искала в своем мужчине. Мы подружились с дочерью Томми. Я полюбила эту девочку и мне очень приятно, если она хочет провести время со мной, поделиться своими переживаниями. Говорит, что я лучшая стэп-мама на свете, прислушивается к моим словам и советам, делает мне сюрпризы. Очень добрый и искренний ребенок. Я очень ценю нашу семью. Это самое главное! Ну, и, конечно, наслаждаюсь океаном, свежим воздухом, тропической природой. Совершенствую английский, собираюсь подучиться в местном университете или колледже. Собираю документы для поступения. Помаленьку обрастаю знакомствами, в том числе с русскими, которых можно встретить практически везде. Так что по новому начала ощущать себя, открыв новую страну. Все очень интересно. И рада , что сделала именно этот выбор. Я благодарю Вас за все, что ВЫ сделали для нас!!!
Томми уже сообщил в письме о нашей просьбе к Вам, но я хочу дополнить от себя. У меня появилась русская подруга из Калуги, которая тоже замужем за американцем. Дружим теперь семьями. Я рассказала ей чудесную историю нашего знакомства с Томми и она спросила у меня совета для своей старшей сестры, как выйти замуж. Ее сестра живет в Калуге, но может приезжать в Питер для встреч с мужчиной. У нее есть, где остановиться у нас в городе. Без Вас очень сложно устроить свою жизнь подобным образом, я уже убедилась на своем опыте. Нужны руки профессионалов, творящих чудеса. Чтобы будущая семья начиналась с красивых, романтических встреч, которые помогают чувствовать себя безопасно, надежно и уверенно в своем выборе. А ведь ваше чудо-агенство так и работает! Оно самое лучшее! Оно одно! Мы очень хотим, чтобы еще два одиноких человека нашли свое счастье с вашей легкой руки!
С уважением и приятнейшими воспоминаниями!! |
Tui and Marina |
Dear Maria,
Thank you very much for your services and for the service of the interpreter.
My visit to St Petersburg was incredible i fell in love with Russia. Russia is a very beautiful country and the people are very friendly and i would love to come back for another holiday.
I would like to thank Victor and Anfisa for their hospitality and integrity during my stay in St Petersburg thank you very much,
Sincerely Yours,
Hello Maria,
I had a fantastic holiday in Russia with Marina. Our bus trip to the golden circle was the highlight of my holiday, and I have never seen such history and magnificent landmarks. Although St Petersburg is my favourite city because of it's unique European style and architectural buildings. Once again I would like to thank Victor and Anfisa for their efforts and services for the duration of my stay.
Thank you very much for this awesome overseas experience.
Yours Sincerely,
Tui Wilson
Dear Anfisa,
Thank you very much for your kind letter i am very happy with your services.
I am very delighted to hear that Marina has asked you to delete her profile from your agency because i am very serious about further developing of our relationship, i am very happy with Marina. Thank you very much for everything you have done for Marina and i,
Sincerely Yours,
Burkhard and Irina |
Hello Anfisa
I hope you are well. I would like to ask if you can assist me in making travel arrangements to come to St. Petersburg to meet with a woman who I have been corresponding with for some time now. She is from Yoshkar Ola and her Agency cannot help with arranging a flat in your city. I would like to stay 4 days during the first week of October this year. I remember there was a nice 2 bed room flat on Nevsky prospect - I am thinking arriving Tuesday October 2nd and leaving Sunday October 7th. If that would still be available, that would be great, otherwise another flat will have to do.
Please let me know if you can help with that.
Burkhard Maier
Hello - thank you for your confirmation - and let me say again that it is a pleasure dealing with you. I look forward to my time in St. Petersburg.
Till tomorrow.
Dear Anfisa -
let me say once more how nice it was to get to meet you , and that I am glad that I used your services. At this point Irina and I discussed meeting again in St. Petersburg, most likely towards the end of March, when Alesya will have a break from school. As plans will become more clear, I will let you know, and I hope to see you again at that time.
Thanks for everything,
Hello Anfisa,
thank you for your wishes, and let me say that one of the things I am thankful for is the time I spent in St Petersburg and getting to know you and Victor. Your help made our trip truly great, and I am planning on visiting Irina in Yoshkar Ola in February. We want to go back to St.Petersburg hopefully in the summer of 2007. I will contact you before then.
Please say hello to Victor,
Hello Anfisa,
I want to congratulate you to the new year and express my hope that all your dreams and wishes will come true in the new year. Please also convey my wishes to Victor. I hope that in the summer of 2007 we will have the opportunity to come to St. Petersburg again and see the things that we were not able to in October.
All the best,
Hello Anfisa -
I hope you are doing well, and that it is not too cold. I want to congratulate you to International Woman's day - I hope you will be able to spend it in the company of family and friends, and enjoy yourself.
Irina and I have spent 9 days together in Kazan and Yoshkar Ola (It was very cold there) and are making plans for the future together. If all goes well she may be able to come to the US later this year.
Please give my regards to Victor.
Dear Victor and Anfisa -
thank you very much for your wishes for CHristmas. As you may know Irina arrived earlier this year in August with Alesia, and we got married on the 7th of October. I am enclosing a photo.
We want to congratulate you and wish you all the best for New Year and Christmas. I hope that 2008 will also bring you all that you hope for and more.
Burkhard & Irina |
Nicholas and Zhanna |
Hello Victor and Anfisa,
Thank very much for your hospitality to me during my visit to Saint Petersburg city and for Victors care of me to the airport. Also tell to Victor many thanks for the gift book about Saint Petersburg city. I have enjoyed all my meetings with the special help of your agency and gained a lot of insight to meeting different girls within your country.
I have visited Sumy in Ukraine and I have carried out a remarkable meeting with Zhanna. She is a very reliable girl and took great care of me during my whole stay. We have a remarkable connection from the very first evening we met in the restaurant. I met all her friends from work and her friend Natasha who lives in the same apartment with Zhanna. We visited many good sites and a disco together.
I also visited Zhanna family in the little village and they liked me very much. Unfortunately I could not take Victors advice and give Zhanna's mother some bread. Zhanna would not allow this because it indicated that I wanted to marry her daughter and obviously it was too soon for such things. Also I would not say people in Sumy were melody. After visiting her family and many restaurants, I never seen anyone who liked to sing as the Ukraine restaurant in Saint Petersburg city. Perhaps such things have changed now in Ukraine. It is a beautiful and interesting city and they even have McDonalds and KFC there which was amazing to see in such a city. There supermarkets are amazing too.
My meeting with Zhanna has been a complete success and we have many feelings for each other. She also wants to be with me. Although our meeting was successful, it was a very short meeting to determine any major commitments. So I will travel to again to Zhanna in February and hope for love and success with her.
I would like to thank you all again and I will defiantly use your services again if I travel to Saint Petersburg with Zhanna in the future or with my family.
Many thanks to you all.
Hello Victor & Anfisa,
I wish to say thank you for your hospitality to me in Saint Petersburg last year in November and for the meetings you coordinated for me.
My meetings with Zhanna in Ukraine, went remarkably well and recently on July 26 we got married in Ukraine, Sumy. I hope you and Victor enjoy the photos and thanks very much for your help to me last year.
Best Regards
Nicholas |
Merritt |
I would like to thank Anfisa and Victor for everything. This was one of my best trips. I enjoyed my time there. I made it back safely and did not have any customs hassles this year getting back into America.
Merritt |
William Roadruck |
I just wanted to tell you that I did arrive home safely.
I wish to thank you personally for all your help. You were extremely helpful!! Without you, I doubt that I would have been able to explain my thoughts to Olga. You are great!! Tell Victor to give you a raise in pay!!
Another man may have given up because the meetings between Olga and myself were so short and not often. But I really believe Olga was worth the trip, she is a wonderful lady.
When you see Olga, please tell her that I always think of her. Everything I say to you, always tell her.
When I left Olga, we had talked about going someplace. I am not sure where we will go, but I am going to work hard everyday, save my money and make this meeting possible. We will make plans and let you all know at the Agency.
Please say Hello to Victor for me. Tell him to relax, I am a patient man and am willing to wait for Olga. She has many things to think about. Remind Victor that when he and I first met, he said "do not rush a lady". I am willing to wait for Olga, she is truly a kind and unique lady. Thanks again for everything!!
Sincerely Your Friend,
William Roadruck |
James West |
merry christmas and a happy new year to victor, anfisa and all the team at blind date.ru, many thanks for all of your help and support through the year, best wishes, james west(coventry,england) |
Trond Grendahl |
I have to thank you for excellent service. As Natalia had to takecare of familiar cat-problems, I had the pleasure to walk through StPetersburg with your excellent and agreable interpreter, rich inhistorical knowledge. When waiting for Natali we had the opportunity totalk about non-dating subjects like social structure, economical,educational andsocial systems in Norway and Russia. It was very valuable to me to have this kind of 1. hand information from a well informed and educated russian person. It made my trip both a dating meeting with Natalia, and educational meaningful visit because of yor well educated translater.. And I believe that your service is a safe place to seek assistance if necessary.
The meeting with Natalia wasa mixture of feeling between disaster and success. She is a very interesting person, with a mixture of philosophical and common everyday thoughts. To get insight into her personalityand thinking is probably some kind of work, but worth it if it succeds.. She is a complex person, but I think if breaking through her scepticism and difficulties in mind, she is a dream woman. But she needs to figure out a lot herself too. My opinion is that she is worthinvestigating further. She also have to- like every person, make compromisesin her wishes, and I think she knows this.. But her way of communicating is very direct and not diplomatic, creating many situations rich in possibilities for conflict. This demands a man with good skills.
- Both she and I trust very much in the skills of Victor in this process. From my point of view, I want to give my professional compliment. I was glad to hear that Victors evaluation was very close to mine -of course I liked that.
I keep in mind Victors words of maskuline identity andbehaviour. They are very accurate, it is a challenge to be mr Masculine Don Juan and mr Faithful family orientated man at the same time.................
So I am very grateful for your assistance in these 4 days.
The rest remains to "faith" and the skill of your service....
Trond Grendahl |
Darron Corlet |
Hello Anfisa and Victor,
Just a short letter to let you both know that I am at home in Los Angeles, the flights past by quickly so that trip didn't seem too long, thankyou for all your help.
Sincerely Darron Corlet |
Shane B |
Hello. I had an opportunity to briefly talk to Victoria (Victoria 220104)this evening. It was very brief because of difficulties with the line being always disconnected, but she did mention that she received the flowers, the bear and the chocolates.
I am writing to you now just to say thank you ... it was only a few short hours ago that I sent the money, and yet the flowers are there already.
Thank you is not quite enough I know, but my feelings of happiness and gratitude are hard to explain in words, so thank you will have to do for now.
It has been a pleasure doing business with you and I will not hesitate to contact you next time I need some gifts or flowers delivered in St Petersburg.
Until next time, you have been very kind,
Best Wishes and Regards,
Shane B |
Rune Trondsen |
hi. I have just arrived home. Everything is fine. Thanks for lovely service
from Viktor and Anfisa and the drivers
Rune |
Paul Rotatori |
Hello Victor,
I am back at home and happy too be back with my daughter. The flight out of Russia was ahead of schedule but i got delayed in Helsinki Findlia for 3 hours so it made my trip home lots more than i expected. But when i got too New york it went quickly and i still managed too pick up my daughter she was anxiously awaiting. She likes calender and book i gave her and we will eat some chocaltes tonight. Once again i greatly appreciated your service and extra care. This adventure would have been a wash out as we say here in USA. But thanks too the 2 of you it was good adventure for me. As for the woman i meet obviously i had my heart set on Olga unfortunately i believe there was simply just not romantic attraction from her towards me. She is very beautiful woman and i was extremly atttracted too her but i guess maybe its better off she is not so resposible woman and this can be problem for a long lasting relationship. I was surprised though because i sent her many recent photos that where everyday looks for me but i guess she hoped for more. As for Elena just friends ,no attractiveness towards romantic relations with her as you know this is very important too me. as for Exerterina she really impressed me with important qualities i am looking for in a woman. Once i got past shock of her lifes surroundings i believe she has great potential for a special beautiful woman and possible wife. I believe the right oppurtunity as a woman and mother she has great potential. One of my concerns is for me i desire special affection from a woman and do not have conclusion she would give this that i desire. In all fairness if she understood my needs she may be able too give this. We only met one day so more time would have been needed too find this out. When i say i want special affection between woman and man i do not mean just sex as we had openly discussed as you i am sure remember . I do not know how many clients you discussed this with before but i am sure you have some experience now after my visit. When i say affection i want too have special physical and mental affection more than most couples this is what i desire. Too desribe this in simple words i mean simple kissing,holding, hugging and nice words too each other is simple way too describe what i mean . She may be able too give this. I would like too continue relations with her please let me know her thoughts after you discuss things with her. I would like too continue my normal monthly email service and possible weekly call too her. Also i wanted too know how much time too get a tourist visa too USA would take for woman from Russia ? I thought about your comments that 2nd meetings are better at mutual new place and i think its good idea. Thanks again ! I will conitue too watch your woman on website.
Paul Rotatori |
Phil Fowler |
Hello it's Phillip! I made it back home okay. It is all sunny here and the temperature is about 22 degrees Celsius!! I guess some lucky girl one day will enjoy it with me. I wanted to thank you very much for all you did for me. Even though things did not turn out with Olesya as I had hoped, I know that I will find what I am looking for. I know that I would be good for her, but maybe I just couldn't give her the material things she is used to. However, I was happy to meet the other girls. I would like to know what Alexandria, Katya, and Nadia thought of me. It would help me to determine who to correspond with and meet again. Hopefully I can return in the spring or summer
time. Would it also be possible to get access to those girls' photos on your site?
I received a new email from Oxana today. She confirmed that she would be home tomorrow and would write me again. Maybe she may turn out to be better than the friend. I had not planned to meet her as I did with the other girls, but she is very nice. She did mention in this letter that she wants to see me so I suppose we will see. I will let you know. Tell Victor I said hello.
Phillip |
Jurgen Mandl |
Dear Anfisa, Dear Victor,
Now, after I have unhappily J landed in Luxembourg again I wanted to say once again thank you for all what you did for me.
I have spent a very nice time in St.Petersburg mainly due to you and your perfect service. I had not expected something like this!
I was a little disappointed that Irina had only so little time, especially on the last meeting on Saturday evening. But ok, it is like it is…
Before I came to St. Petersburg Irina wrote me a mail in which she asks me not to be angry if she will not want to become my wife finally. I have received this mail only after I returned from my trip. Of course I will not be angry It’s better to say “no” in time than to be unhappy for the rest of the lifetime. I myself have made bad experiences enough and don’t want to increase this doubtful treasure of experiences with troubles and sorrows, let’s see what’s going to happen. If she wants to meet me again and where etc.
Victor I want to say “thank you very much” for your polite but strong pressure on me to meet Marina too. You know that I firstly disliked to meet her too as I thought it to be unfair against Irina on the one hand but also Marina on the other hand. But you were right! I also came to St.Petersburg to meet my soulmate and frankly speaking I have paid a lot of money for all this so I should not miss a chance.
I told you about my opinion about Marina before I met her. Now I know that this opinion was based on nothing else but a misunderstanding and I’m happy that I have met Marina personally. She has really a remarkable personality, I’m really impressed. I’m more than convinced that we will meet relatively soon again. I think it is necessary as we really had only a very short time together and the hours passed by as if they are minutes. Let me say it like this: You have a really good feeling about people and maybe Marina and myself are really the match.
Anfisa, I want to say thank you for your very nice a companion and perfect guidance, informations, tips and help during my stay. I really enjoyed it. I will send you a CD with all the photos that we’ve taken during my visit in St.Petersburg.
Let me once repeat my invitation: When you come to Potsdam I would like to invite you to come with your husband also to Luxembourg and I will be your guide. You will not regret it! Concerning this train ticket that I mentioned please go to google and search for “interrail” and you find plenty of information's.
I wish you all the best and maybe we see each other again when I come back to St.Petersburg (for sure J )
Juergen |
Larry Stjernelund |
is Larry from Denmark thank for help me in st petersburg it was really good
Larry Stjernelund |
Otto Tschirky |
Dear Maria,
I would like to inform you that I am well back to Switzerland. Please greet Anfisa and Victor from me and let them know that I would thank them for all that they have done for me in St.Petersburg.
Best regards
Otto Tschirky |
Karl Thormodsson |
Dear Anfisa & Victor.
Sorry that I haven't send you a letter but I have been on the western part of Iceland and the internet connection there is very poor.
But I got home without any troubles.
I will thank you and Victor for wonderful time I have there in St Petersburg,and all service I got there was fantastic.
Best Regards.
Karl Thormodsson.
(Kalli) |
Darron Corlet |
Hello Anfisa and Victor,
Just a short letter to let you both know that I am at home in Los Angeles, the flights past by quickly so that trip didn't seem too long,
thank you for all your help.
Sincerely Darron Corlet |
Alvin Cunningham |
Hello Victor & Anfisa ,
First I would like to say that I will never be able to thank you enough or repay you for the most
wonderful experience ever.You were the very best hosts, guides, historians, teachers, photographers, guardian angels, body guards and friends I could have ever hoped for.I also would like to thank Andrew and Andrew for driving for me.And a special thanks to you Anfisa for the outstanding job of interpretation for me and for being the one I could talk to, I enjoyed our conversations very much and appreciate all the information and history you shared with me. I enjoyed my time with you very much, you really care about people and love life and your country and it's history and you were very fun to be with and I hope if I do find a Russian wife, she will be just like you!
My trip home went very well until I reached the states,then I was delayed in Los Angeles I did not get home until 4:30 Sunday am which is 3:30 pm Sunday your time.
Once again THANK YOU very much and I wish you and your and your families all the love and happiness that life can give and with all that is going on in this world, I hope and pray that our countries will always be the very best of friends.
Love Alvin ;~}
PS. When I got home, my roses were in bloom so I am sending you a picture,I will send more pics later. |
Albert Ornelas |
Thank you very much for your thoughts. How are you doing? Great I hope!
I have many friends and family asking how my trip to Russia was and I raved about how exciting it was in St Petersburg.Of course you made my experience there very pleasant, thank you. I have recommended to everyone that they have to visit your city at some point. If it is okay, I will recommend to them if they need any services there to keep you in mind.
I have checked your agency website, there are many lovely ladies there. One did catch my eye, her name is Evgeniya. Of course she is looking for a younger man. I may send her a note to say hello. Everything is back to normal here and my kids have been entertained with my
stories about my trip to Russia. Take care, say hello to Viktor( is this right).
Thank you again for your letter.
Albert |
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