
The Meaning Of Terms We Use Throughout The Site


  We understand most of you know what these terms mean, but still we feel obliged to give some explanation. For some of our users these terms may be absolutely new while others may discover some hidden points which they didn't think about before. So we are not trying to insult your intelligence. We are just trying to make everything clear for everyone.

SIM card

  Every cell phone uses SIM cards. In America they are often called smart chips. You place this small chip inside your cell phone. If you put this card in another compatible phone, the new phone aquires your cell phone number and some settings. Thus, if you keep your phone book in the SIM card, it will go with you to every new phone you place your card into. If you keep your phone book in the internal memory of the phone, it will not go to a new phone. You can change in your phone's settings where the numbers in your phone book are stored (in internal phone memory or SIM card).


  SPAM is unsolicited email sent to multiple recepients without their consent. Spamming has already become a problem. Since it happens to be a very cheap way to inform a lot of people at once about your business, many companies use this method althoug it has been the subject of legislation in a number of jurisdictions. Every email provider or Internet service provider has some spam filters to protect its customers. All letters are sorted into 3 categories: those which should be delivered, those which should be deleted, those "in between" which end up in your "bulk mail" (or "junk mail") folder. Messages containing certain words, URLs, being addressed to multiple recepients, being sent from certain addresses and a variety of other factors define if this or that message is spam or not. Too lenient filters with not very strict rules let a lot of spam go into your mailbox. Too strict filters block legitimate messages from time to time on the ground of some criteria. there is no perfect solution to this problem yet. Most email providers give users an interface to manage their spam filters on some level.


  Commonwealth of Independent States. This is a confederation of 11 former Soviet republics which was created after the Soviet Union stopped its existence: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Cut and paste

  First you need to select (or highlight) the text, number or address in the source document or file. Then you may copy it by pressing "Ctrl" key and the  "C" key simultaneously (you need to press the "C" key while still holding the "Ctrl" key). Then click in the destination document or file at the spot where you want this text, number, or address. Then paste it by pressing "Ctrl" key and the "V" key simultaneously (you need to press the "V" key while still holding the "Ctrl" key).


  United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (until recently Immigration and Naturalization Service, or INS). Nothing but the name has been changed, actually. We, the tax-payers, probably have contributed involuntarily a lot of our money to this change of name but not the service itself. We stilI have to experience ridiculous hold times on the phone, overworked understaffed personnel, odd and often contradictory instructions.


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