On this page you will find very detailed information on how to call Russia anв other CIS countries. Below you will see the most complete list of area codes. If you happen to find a more complete list - please let us know. The page also includes the list of cities that have been renamed after the breakdown of Soviet Union. The list is rather large and not alphabetically arranged. So the fastest way to find the city you you are interested in is to make a search on the page (usualy top menu "Edit | Find", or just press "Ctrl + F")
Our American clients often ask us about the reason for the system of area codes in Russia and other CIS countries to be so complicated. Their system is not so clear and logical like the US one(3 digit area code plus 7 digit number). Why do their area codes contain different number of digits (3 to 5) and the phone numbers themselves also vary from 5 to 7 digits and also a long subscriber's number (7 digits)?
The answer does not, however, lack logic. On the one hand, this system is even more logical though a little inconvenient than the American one. The area codes in Russia are approached from a different point of view. The main thing is that every city anв town should have its own code. Actually, Russia uses a different term for "area code" - it is "city code" instead. 3-digit codes, however, are too little in number, and you will not have enough combinations to give each city a unique one. A 5-digit code combined with the subscriber's number makes the number a person will have to dial too long. The way out is the following: for large cities a 3-digit code and a 7-digit subscriber's number are assigned.
For small cities it works just the other way round: a small city gets a 5-digit city code and a 5-digit subscriber's number (since the population is small, 5-digit numbers will be enough). Medium-sized cities may get 4 digit area code and 6 digit subsriber's numbers. Keep it in mind that country code, area code and subscriber's number together make 11 digits in Russia. A separate city code for each city makes it possible for a local to know if he is calling a number with the same area code - in this case he won't have to dial the area code and, what is more important, a local call is free.
On the one hand, US area codes are assigned to large areas (several cities perhaps) in less populated places, and sometimes if you are calling somebody with the same area code as you, you get charged for long distance call. On the other hand, different parts of a densely populated city get different area codes. Calls between some of them are considered local (free), yet some are long distance.
The worst about Rusian phone system is that it is being upgraded right now, and plenty of numbers are changed. Several cities have already been upgraded from 5 digit numbers to 6 digit numbers. To provide backward compatibility for those old numbers which are still 1 or 2 digits short, one or two "2"s or "0"s need to be added, respectively, between the area code and the number.
More on that below.
Country and City phone code
Russia +7
Phone Number Format
- Area Code: 3-5 digits
- Subscriber Number: 5-7 digits
Area Code List
7 Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Country code 7 was assigned during the years of the Soviet Union. With the dissolution of the USSR, most of the republics outside Russia (including republics in the Commonwealth of Independent States) began to acquire individual country codes. Many nations never recognized 1940 seizure of the Baltic republics, which are now using new country codes (see below).
[If asterisk appears at end of line containing a 3-digit city code, add '22' or '2', respectively, before a 5 or 6 digit telephone number. Otherwise, add '00' or '0', respectively. This note was written 19 Sept. 1990; later-arriving entries will be marked "&" if such add-on information is unknown.
[31 Oct 1992: new information from OAG Travel Planner was found for these nations. Individual republics are listed now; any question mark after a republic name indicates that this is probably which country the code belongs to, but was not confirmed.
[30 Apr 1993: some nations formerly in country code 7 now have service under new country codes. These are Lithuania (+370), Latvia (+371), Estonia (+372) and Moldova (+373), all in the European zone 3 (see that file for detailed listings of these nations).
[27 Feb 1995: Belarus will use +375 and Ukraine +380 effective 16 April 1995, as these nations withdraw from the +7 country code. Azerbaijan was assigned country code +994, but implementation appears to be limited (mentioned in BT's phone books in the UK).
[29 Apr 1995: * Armenia changes to +374, effective 1 May 1995; permissive dialing with +7 until 1 July 1995. * Belarus +375 has permissive dialing with +7 until some unknown point in 1997. * Ukraine has permissive dialing with +7 for approximately six months following the 16 Apr 1995 activation of +380. * Georgia has been assigned +995; details of any changeover from +7 are unknown at this point.
[4 July 1995: From Kazakhstan update (ITU OB#584), 7-digit local numbers following the 3-digit area code in automatic dialing. Local numbers do not begin with the digit 0 or 8. Some 6-digit numbers are mentioned as being unconnected to automatic dialing.
[3 April 1996: +996 is assigned for Kyrgyzstan, but there is no word when that country code will be placed in service. ITU OB#616 lists a revised Kyrgyzstan numbering plan, but remaining within +7.
[29 January 1997: +993 assigned to Turkmenistan; Canada established use of this country code with tariff effective 29 November 1996. 3 January 1997 was reported as official start date, with +7 invalid for calls to Turkmenistan from 3 April 1997 (details courtesy Stentor, Toby Nixon, and Turkmenistan Embassy in U.S. (www.infi.net).]
[Ex-USSR Country Codes Profile
In the following table, "Effective" means the date at which the country code began service (which could vary according to the nation). "Mandatory" means the date at which the country code 7 is invalid for calls to that nation. There are a number of question marks since dates are not known all cases, or may vary according to the international calling practices of different nations.
CC Nation Effective Mandatory Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370 Lithuania 1993? ??? Announced Jan 1993 371 Latvia 1993? ??? 372 Estonia 1 Feb 1993? March 1993? 373 Moldova 1993? ??? Announced Jan 1993 374 Armenia 1 May 1995 1 July 1995 Announced Jan 1995 (ITU) 375 Belarus 16 Apr 1995 1997? 380 Ukraine 16 Apr 1995 Oct 1995? 7 Kazakstan (no known changes) 7 Russia (presumably not changing) 7 Tajikistan (no known changes) 993 Turkmenistan 3 Jan 1997 3 Apr 1997 Canada as of 29 Nov 1996 994 Azerbaijan Sept 1994? ??? Announced 1992 995 Georgia 1994? ??? ref: Tel. Digest Oct 1994 996 Kyrgyz Republic ??? ??? Announced Sept 1995 (ITU) 998 Uzbekistan ??? ??? Announced 1996? (ITU)
Details courtesy Toby Nixon, ITU, Stentor (Canada), Telecom Digest (including information collected for the country code listings).]
4112 Kaliningrad, Russia * (01122) 012 Lithuania [now +370] 012 10 Birstonas, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 11 Ukmerge, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 14 Shauliai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 16 Skuodas, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 17 Svencionys, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 18 Plunge, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 19 Jonava, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 2 Vilnius, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 20 Birzai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 28 Raseinia, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 29 Ignalina, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 30 Moletai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 32 Sirvintos, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 33 Drusknikai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 35 Alytus, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 36 Palanga, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 37 Elektrienai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 38 Trakai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 39 Utena, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 40 Gargzdei, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 41 Silute, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 42 Vilkaviskis, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 43 Marijampole, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 46 Taurage, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 47 Sakiai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 48 Jurbarkas, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 49 Prienai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 50 Salcininkai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 51 Anyksciai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 54 Panevezys, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 56 Kaisiadorys, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 57 Kedainiai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 59 Nida, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 60 Varena, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 61 Klaipeda, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 68 Lazdijai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 7 Kaunas, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 70 Zarasai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 71 Pasvalys, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 78 Rokiskis, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 91 Pakruojis, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 92 Radviliskis, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 93 Mazeikiai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 94 Telsiai, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 95 N. Akmene, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 96 Joniskis, Lithuania [now in +370] 012 97 Kelme, Lithuania [now in +370] 013 Latvia [now +371] 013 2 Riga, Latvia * [now +371 2] 013 2 Olaine, Latvia [now +371 2] 013 2 Sigulda, Latvia [now +371 2] 013 30 Jelgava, Latvia [now +371 30] 013 31 Tukums, Latvia [now +371 31] 013 32 Talsi, Latvia [now +371 32] 013 33 Kuldiga, Latvia [now +371 33] 013 34 Aizpute, Liepaja (or Liepaya), Latvia [now +371 34] 013 36 Ventspils, Latvia [now +371 36] 013 38 Saldus, Latvia [now +371 38] 013 39 Bauska, Latvia [now +371 39] 013 40 Limbazi, Latvia [now +371 40] 013 41 Cesis, Latvia [now +371 41] 013 42 Valmiera, Latvia [now +371 42] 013 43 Ainazi, Latvia [now +371 43] (Aluksne?) 013 44 Gulbene, Latvia [now +371 44] 013 45 Balvi, Latvia [now +371 45] 013 46 Rezekne, Latvia [now +371 46] 013 47 Valka, Latvia [now +371 47] 013 48 Madona, Latvia [now +371 48] 013 50 Ogre, Latvia [now +371 50] 013 51 Aizkraukle, Latvia [now +371 51] 013 52 Jekabpils, Latvia [now +371 52] 013 53 Preili, Latvia [now +371 53] 013 54 Daugavpils, Latvia [now +371 54] 013 56 Kraslava, Latvia [now +371 56] 013 57 Ludza, Latvia [now +371 57] 013 62 Jurmala, Latvia [now +371 2, same as Riga] 014 Estonia [now +372] 014 2 Tallinn, Estonia * [now in +372] 014 2 Harjus, Estonia [now in +372] 014 30 Pylva, Estonia [now in +372] 014 32 Rakvere, Estonia [now in +372] 014 33 Kohtla Jerve, Estonia [now in +372] 014 34 Tartu, Estonia [now in +372] 014 35 Narva, Estonia [now in +372] 014 37 Jigeva, Estonia [now in +372] 014 38 Pajde, Estonia [now in +372] 014 41 Vyru, Estonia [now in +372] 014 42 Valga, Estonia [now in +372] 014 43 Viljandis, Estonia [now in +372] 014 44 Parnu, Estonia [now in +372] 014 45 Kuresare, Estonia [now in +372] 014 46 Kiardla, Estonia [now in +372] 014 47 Hapsalu, Estonia [now in +372] 014 48 Rapla, Estonia [now in +372] 014 49 Silamiaje, Estonia [now in +372] 015 Grodno, Belarus * (01522) [now in +375] 015 11 Berestovitsa, Belarus [now in +375] 015 12 Volkovysk, Belarus [now in +375] 015 13 Svisloch, Belarus [now in +375] 015 14 Shchuchin, Belarus [now in +375] 015 15 Mosty, Belarus [now in +375] 015 61 Lida, Belarus [now in +375] 015 62 Slonim, Belarus [now in +375] 015 63 Dyatlovo, Belarus [now in +375] 015 64 Zelva, Belarus [now in +375] 015 91 Ostrovets, Belarus [now in +375] 015 91 Smorgon, Belarus [now in +375] 015 93 Oshmyany, Belarus [now in +375] 015 94 Voronovo, Belarus [now in +375] 015 95 Ivje (Iwe), Belarus [now in +375] 015 96 Korelichy, Belarus [now in +375] 015 97 Novogrudok, Belarus [now in +375] 016 Brest, Belarus * (01622) [now in +375] 016 31 Kamenets, Belarus [now in +375] 016 32 Pruzhany, Belarus [now in +375] 016 33 Lyakhovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 016 34 Baranovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 016 41 Zhabinka, Belarus [now in +375] 016 42 Kobrin (Kobrynsk), Belarus [now in +375] 016 43 Bereza, Belarus [now in +375] 016 44 Drogichin, Belarus [now in +375] 016 45 Ivatsevichi, Belarus [now in +375] 016 46 Gantsevchi, Belarus [now in +375] 016 47 Luninets, Belarus [now in +375] 016 51 Malorita, Belarus [now in +375] 016 52 Ivanovo Brestsky, Belarus [now in +375] 016 53 Pinsk, Belarus [now in +375] 016 55 Stolin, Belarus [now in +375] 017 Mensk (was Minsk), Belarus * (0172) [now in +375] 017 10 Soligorsk, Belarus [now in +375] 017 13 Pukhovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 017 14 Cherven, Belarus [now in +375] 017 15 Berezino, Belarus [now in +375] 017 16 Dzerzhinsk, Belarus [now in +375] 017 17 Stolbtsy, Belarus [now in +375] 017 18 Uzda, Belarus [now in +375] 017 19 Kopyl, Belarus [now in +375] 017 70 Nesvizh, Belarus [now in +375] 017 71 Vilejka, Belarus [now in +375] 017 72 Volozhin, Belarus [now in +375] 017 73 Molodechno, Belarus [now in +375] 017 74 Logojsk, Belarus [now in +375] 017 75 Zhodino, Belarus [now in +375] 017 76 Smolevichi, Belarus [now in +375] 017 77 Borisov, Belarus [now in +375] 017 79 Pleshchenitsy, Belarus [now in +375] 017 92 Starye Dorogi, Belarus [now in +375] 017 93 Kletsk, Belarus [now in +375] 017 94 Luban, Belarus [now in +375] 017 95 Slutsk, Belarus [now in +375] 017 96 Krupki, Belarus [now in +375] 017 97 Myadel, Belarus [now in +375] 017 97 Naroch, Belarus [now in +375] 021 Vitebsk, Belarus * (0212 or 02122) [now in +375] 021 30 Shumilino, Belarus [now in +375] 021 31 Beshenkovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 021 32 Lepel, Belarus [now in +375] 021 33 Chashniki, Belarus [now in +375] 021 35 Senno, Belarus [now in +375] 021 36 Tolochin, Belarus [now in +375] 021 37 Dubrovno, Belarus [now in +375] 021 38 Liozno, Belarus [now in +375] 021 39 Gorodok, Belarus [now in +375] 021 44 Novopolotsk, Belarus [now in +375] 021 44 Polotsk, Belarus [now in +375] 021 51 Verkhnedvinsk, Belarus [now in +375] 021 52 Miory (Miary k/Minska), Belarus [now in +375] 021 53 Braslav, Belarus [now in +375] 021 54 Sharkovshchina, Belarus [now in +375] 021 55 Postavy, Belarus [now in +375] 021 56 Glubokoe, Belarus [now in +375] 021 57 Dokshitsy, Belarus [now in +375] 021 58 Ushachi, Belarus [now in +375] 021 59 Rossony, Belarus [now in +375] 021 61 Orsha, Belarus [now in +375] 022 Mogilev, Belarus * (02222) [now in +375] 022 30 Glusk, Belarus [now in +375] 022 31 Bykhov, Belarus [now in +375] 022 32 Belynichi, Belarus [now in +375] 022 33 Gorki, Belarus [now in +375] 022 34 Krugloe, Belarus [now in +375] 022 35 Osipovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 022 36 Klichev, Belarus [now in +375] 022 37 Kirovsk, Belarus [now in +375] 022 38 Krasnopolje, Belarus [now in +375] 022 39 Shklov, Belarus [now in +375] 022 40 Mstislavl, Belarus [now in +375] 022 41 Krichev, Belarus [now in +375] 022 42 Chausy, Belarus [now in +375] 022 43 Cherikov, Belarus [now in +375] 022 44 Klimovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 022 45 Kostyukovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 022 46 Slavgorod, Belarus [now in +375] 022 51 Bobruysk, Belarus [now in +375] 023 Gomel, Belarus * (0232 or 02322) [now in +375] 023 30 Vetka, Belarus [now in +375] 023 32 Chechersk, Belarus [now in +375] 023 33 Dobrush, Belarus [now in +375] 023 34 Zhlobin, Belarus [now in +375] 023 36 Buda-Koshelevo, Belarus [now in +375] 023 37 Korma, Belarus [now in +375] 023 39 Rogachev, Belarus [now in +375] 023 40 Rechitsa, Belarus [now in +375] 023 42 Svetlogorsk, Belarus [now in +375] 023 44 Bragin, Belarus [now in +375] 023 45 Kalinkovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 023 46 Khojniki, Belarus [now in +375] 023 47 Loev, Belarus [now in +375] 023 50 Petrikov, Belarus [now in +375] 023 51 Mozyr, Belarus [now in +375] 023 53 Zhitkovichi, Belarus [now in +375] 023 54 Elsk, Belarus [now in +375] 023 55 Narovlya, Belarus [now in +375] 023 56 Lelshitsy, Belarus [now in +375] 023 57 Oktyabrsky, Belarus [now in +375] 031 Uzhhorod (Uzhgorod), Ukraine (03100) [now in +380] 032 Lviv (Lvov), Ukraine * (0322) [now in +380] 033 Lutsk, Ukraine (03300) [now in +380] 034 Ivano-Frankivsk (Ivano-Frankovsk), Ukraine * (0340 or 03400) 035 Ternopil (Ternopol), Ukraine (0350 or 03500) [now in +380] 036 Rivne (Rovno), Ukraine * [now in +380] 037 Chernivtsi (Chernovtsi, Chernovtsy), Ukraine * (03700) [now in +380] 038 Khmelnytsky (Khmelnitskiy,Khmelnitski), Ukraine * (0380 or 03800) [now in +380] 041 Zhytomyr (Zhitomir), Ukraine (0410 or 04100) [now in +380] 042 Moldova [now in +373] 042 Kishinev, Moldova * (0422) [now in +373] 042 30 Soroka, Moldova [now in +373] 042 31 Beltsy, Moldova [now in +373] 042 32 Bandery, Moldova [now in +373] 042 33 Tiraspol, Moldova [now in +373] 042 35 Orchejis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 38 Komratas, Moldova [now in +373] 042 39 Kachulas, Moldova [now in +373] 042 40 Grigoriopolis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 41 Cimislija, Moldova [now in +373] 042 42 Stefan Vode, Moldova [now in +373] 042 43 Keusenis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 44 Kelerasis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 46 Jedinecas, Moldova [now in +373] 042 47 Bricenis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 48 Kriulenis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 49 Glodenis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 50 Florestis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 51 Dondusenis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 53 Vulkenestis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 56 Ryskanis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 58 Telenestis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 59 Felestis, Moldova [now in +373] 042 61 Cadyr Lunga, Moldova [now in +373] 042 62 Synzereja, Moldova [now in +373] 042 63 Leovo, Moldova [now in +373] 042 65 Anenji Nojus, Moldova [now in +373] 042 70 Maksimovka, Moldova [now in +373] 042 76 Paskanai, Moldova [now in +373] 043 Vinnytsya (Vinnitsya), Ukraine * (0430 or 04300) [now in +380] 044 Kyiv (Kyyiv, Kiev), Ukraine * [now in +380] 046 Chernihiv (Chernigov), Ukraine * (04622) [now in +380] 047 Cherkasy (Cherkassi, Cherkassy), Ukraine * (0472 or 04722) [now in +380] 047 35 Korsun-Schevchenkovski, Ukraine [now in +380] 048 Odessa, Ukraine * (0482) [now in +380] 048 49 Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky (Belgorod-Dnestrovskij), Ukraine [now in +380] 051 Mykolayiv (Nikolaev), Ukraine * (0510) [now in +380] 052 Kirovohrad (Kirovograd), Ukraine * (05222) [now in +380] 053 Poltava, Ukraine * (05322) [now in +380] 054 Sumy (Sumi), Ukraine (05400) [now in +380] 055 Kherson, Ukraine * (05500) [now in +380] 056 Dnipropetrovsk (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine * (0562) [now in +380] 056 4 Kryvy Rih (Krivoy Rog), Ukraine [now in +380] 056 92 Dniprodzerzhynsk (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Ukraine [now in +380] 057 Kharkiv (Kharkov), Ukraine * (0572) [now in +380] 060 Yalta, Ukraine (0600) (what about 0654?) [now in +380] 061 Zaporizhya (Zaporozhye), Ukraine * (0612, 06122) [now in +380] 061 53 Berdyansk, Ukraine [now in +380] 062 Donetsk, Ukraine * (0622) [now in +380] 062 9 Mariupol, Ukraine [now in +380] 064 Luhansk (Lugansk), Ukraine * (0642) (was Voroshilovograd) [now in +380] 065 Simferopol, Ukraine * (06522) [now in +380] 065 4 Yalta, Ukraine (what about 0600?) [now in +380] 065 54 Bakhchysaray (Bakhchisarai, Bakhchisaray), Ukraine [now in +380] 065 60 Alushta, Ukraine [now in +380] 065 61 Kerch, Ukraine [now in +380] 065 62 Feodosiya, Ukraine [now in +380] 065 64 Dzhankoy, Ukraine [now in +380] 069 Sevastopol (or Sebastapol, Sebastopol), Ukraine (0690) [now in +380] 471 Kursk, Russia * (47100) 472 Belgorod, Russia * (47222) 472 52 Stary Oskol 473 Voronezh, Russia * (4732) 473 50 Bobrov 474 Lipetsk, Russia? (4740) 475 Tambov, Russia * (47522) 475 45 Michurinsk 481 Smolensk, Russia (48100) 482 Tver (former Kalinin), Russia? * (48222) 482 33 Vyshni Volochek 483 Bryansk, Russia * (48322) 484 Kaluga, Russia * (48422) 484 39 Obninsk 485 Yaroslavl, Russia * (or 4852, from Kyiv 1992 book) 485 32 Uglich 485 35 Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia 485 36 Rostov, Russia 485 37 Rybinsk (former Andropov), Russia 486 Orel, Russia (4860 or 48600) 487 Tula, Russia * (4872) 491 Ryazan, Russia (4912) 492 Vladimir, Russia * (49222) 492 31 Suzdal, Russia 492 32 Kovrov 492 34 Murom 493 Ivanovo, Russia * (49322) 493 31 Kineshma 494 Kostroma, Russia? * (49422) 495 Moscow (Moskva), Russia (treated as a republic because of size) 496 Moscow (Moskva), Russia cellular mobile 301 Ulan-Ude, Russia * (30122) 302 Chita, Russia * (30222) 310 Dzhezkazgan (Zhezkazgan), Kazakhstan * (3102) 311 Uralsk, Kazakhstan * (31122) 312 Guryev (Atyrau), Kazakhstan * (31222) 313 Aktyubinsk (3132), Kazakhstan * 314 Kustanai (or Kostanai, Kustanay), Kazakhstan * (3142) 314 31 Rudny, Kazakhstan 314 33 Lisakovsk, Kazakhstan 314 34 Ordjonikidze, Kazakhstan 314 36 Taranovskoye, Kazakhstan 314 37 Kamyshnoye, Kazakhstan 314 41 Komsomolets, Kazakhstan 314 42 Fyodorovka, Kazakhstan 314 52 Karasu, Kazakhstan 315 Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan * (3152) 316 Kokchetav (Kokshetau), Kazakhstan * (31622) 317 Tsilinograd (or Tselinograd or Akmola), Kazakhstan * (31722) 317 32 Balkashino, Kazakhstan 317 33 Erementau, Kazakhstan 317 34 Astrakhanka, Kazakhstan 317 36 Atbasar, Kazakhstan 317 37 Kurgaldjinsky, Kazakhstan 317 46 Makinsk, Kazakhstan 317 47 Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan 318 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan * (3182) 319 (Kara-Kol Region, Kyrgyzstan; +7 336 also reserved for future) [to +996] 319 22 Kara-Kol, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 41 Kadji-Sai, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 42 Ananevo, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 43 Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 45 Tup, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 46 Kyzly-Suu, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 47 Bokonbaevo, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 319 48 Teplokluchenka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 320 [unknown location; reserved for Kazakhstan] 321 Karaganda, Kazakhstan * (3212) 321 38 Tokarevka, Kazakhstan 321 44 Kievka, Kazakhstan 321 46 Karkaralinsk, Kazakhstan 321 47 Egendybulak, Kazakhstan 321 48 Molodyozhnoye, Kazakhstan 321 49 Osakarovka, Kazakhstan 321 53 Topar, Kazakhstan 321 54 Ulyanovsky, Kazakhstan 322 Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan * 323 Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan * (3232 or 32322) 324 Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan * (32422) 325 Chimkent (Shymkent), Kazakhstan * (3252 or 32522) 325 31 Bely Vody, Kazakhstan 325 33 Turkestan, Kazakhstan 325 34 Zhetysai, Kazakhstan 325 36 Kentau, Kazakhstan 325 37 Sary-Agach, Kazakhstan 325 38 Vannovka, Kazakhstan 325 41 Slavyanka, Kazakhstan 326 Dzhambul (or Djambul or Zhambyl), Kazakhstan * (3262 or 32622) 327 Alma-Ata (Almaty), Kazakhstan * (3272) 327 52 Energetichesky, Kazakhstan 327 57 Akshy, Kazakhstan 327 70 Uzun-Agach, Kazakhstan 327 71 Kaskelen, Kazakhstan 327 72 Kapchagai, Kazakhstan 327 73 Bakanas, Kazakhstan 327 74 Talgar, Kazakhstan 327 75 Issyk, Kazakhstan 327 76 Chilyk, Kazakhstan 327 77 Kegen, Kazakhstan 327 78 Chundja, Kazakhstan 327 79 Narynkol, Kazakhstan 328 Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan * (32822) 329 Aktau, Kazakhstan * (3292 or 32922) 330 Arkalyk, Kazakhstan * (33022) 331 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan * (was Frunze) [to +996] 331 (Chuy Region, Kyrgyztan) * [to +996] 331 2 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan * (was Frunze) [to +996] 331 31 Belovodskoe, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 32 Kant, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 33 Kara-Balta, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 34 Sokuluk, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 35 Kemin, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 36 Ivanovka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 37 Kainda, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 44 Balykchi, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 45 Tokmak, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 47 Lebedinovka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 331 49 Chuy, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 (Jalal-Abad and Osh Regions, Kyrgyzstan) * [to +996] 332 22 Osh, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 30 Eski-Nookat, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 31 Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 32 Kara-Suu, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 33 Uzgen, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 34 Massy-Nook, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 35 Kyzyl-Kiya, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 36 Bazar-Korgon, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 41 Ala-Buka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 42 Kerben, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 43 Kok-Yangak, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 44 Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 45 Tash-Kumyr, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 46 Kara-Kul, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 47 Toktogul, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 48 Suzak, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 49 Kara-Kulja, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 51 Aravan, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 52 Gulcha, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 53 Sulukta, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 54 Batken, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 55 Pulgon, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 56 Isfana, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 332 59 Kanysh-Kiya, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 334 (Talas Region, Kyrgyzstan) [to +996] 334 22 Talas, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 334 56 Kyzly-Adyr, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 334 57 Leninpol, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 334 58 Ivano-Alekseevka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 334 59 Pokrovka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 335 (Naryn Region, Kyrgyzstan) [to +996] 335 22 Naryn, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 335 34 At-Bashi, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 335 35 Kochkorka, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 335 36 Chaek, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 336 (reserved for future use in Kara-Kol Region, Kyrgyzstan) [to +996] 336 Leninsk, Kazakhstan * (33622) 337 Dushanbe, Tajikistan * 337 22 Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan [to +996] 337 38 Nurek, Tajikistan 337 44 Kurgan-Tyube, Tajikistan 341 Izhevsk (was Ustinov), Russia * (34122) 341 41 Glazov 341 45 Votkinsk 341 47 Sarapul 342 Perm, Russia * (3422) 342 42 Berezniki 342 53 Solikamsk 343 Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), Russia * (3432) 343 51 Nizhni Tagil 345 Tyumen, Russia * (34522) 347 Ufa, Russia * (3472) 351 Chelyabinsk, Russia * (3512) 351 37 Magnitogorsk, Russia 352 Kurgan, Russia * (35222) 353 Orenburg, Russia (35300) 360 Tashauz, Turkmenistan * [now in +993] 361 Nukus, Uzbekistan * (36122) [to +998] 362 Urgench 363 Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan * (36300) [now in +993] 365 Bukhara, Uzbekistan * (36522) [to +998] 366 Samarkand, Uzbekistan * (36622) [to +998] 367 Gulistan, Uzbekistan? * (36722) [to +998] 369 Namangan, Uzbekistan * (36922) [to +998] 370 Mary, Turkmenistan * [now in +993] 371 Tashkent, Uzbekistan * (3712) [to +998] 372 Dzhizak, Uzbekistan? * (37222) [to +998] 373 Fergana, Uzbekistan * (37322) [to +998] 374 Andizhan, Uzbekistan * (37422) [to +998] 375 Karshi, Uzbekistan * (37522) [to +998] 376 Termez, Uzbekistan? (near Turkmenistan border) (37622) [to +998] 377 Dushanbe, Tadzhikstan * (3772) 379 Khudzhand 381 Omsk, Russia * (3812) 382 Tomsk, Russia * (3822 or 38222) 383 Novosibirsk (or Novossibirsk), Russia * (3832) 383 41 Berdsk 384 Kemerovo, Russia * (38422) 385 Barnaul, Russia * (3852) 385 38 Biysk 391 Krasnoyarsk, Russia * (3912) 394 Kizil (or Kyzyl?) * (39422) 395 Irkutsk, Russia * (3952) 395 18 Angarsk 395 31 Bratsk 411 Yakutsk, Russia * (41122) 413 Magadan, Russia (41300) 415 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Russia (41500) 416 Blagoveshchensk, Russia * (41622) 421 Khabarovsk, Russia (4210 or 42100) 423 Vladivostok, Russia (42300) 424 Juzhno-Sakhalinsk (or Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Russia? (42400) 436 Navoi * (43622) 501 Sovintel network in Moscow 502 Combellga network in Moscow 503 Comstar network in Moscow 504 Nakhodka & Sakhalin 505 Asteli network in Moscow 509 0 Khabarovsk 509 3 Amaruskom 509 96 Sakhalin Radius 510 Kaliningrad (WBT) 511 11 overlay network (Moscow Tech. University for Comm. & Info.) 512 85 overlay network (Baltic Communications Ltd) 811 Pskov, Russia * (81122) 811 53 Velikie Luki 812 St Petersburg, Russia (name changed 1991 from Leningrad) 812 63 Volkhov 812 78 Vyborg 814 Petrozavodsk, Russia (81400) 815 Murmansk, Russia * (8150 or 81500) 816 Novgorod, Russia (8160 or 81600) 817 Vologda, Russia * (81722) 817 36 Cherepovets 818 Arkhangelsk, Russia (81800) 821 Siktivkar (or Syktyvkar), Russia? * (82122) 821 47 Ukhta 821 51 Vorkuta 831 Nizhni(i) Novgorod (was Gorky or Gorki), Russia * (8312) 831 47 Arzamas 833 Vyatka (formerly Kirov), Russia (83300) (or 8332, Kyiv '92 book) 834 Saransk, Russia * (8342 or 83422) 835 Cheboksari (or Cheboksary), Russia (8350) 836 Ioshkar-Ola, Russia? * (83622) 841 Penza, Russia * (8412) 842 Simbirsk (formerly Ulyanovsk), Russia * (84222) 842 35 Dimitrovgrad 843 Kazan, Russia * (8432) 843 12 Almetyevsk 843 53 Nizhnekamsk 843 9 Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia 844 Volgograd, Russia * (8442) (was once Stalingrad) 845 Saratov, Russia * (8452) 845 70 Balakovo 846 Samara (was Kuibishev or Kuybyshev), Russia * (8462) 846 35 Novokuybyshevsk 847 Elista, Russia? * (84722) 848 Tolyatti, Russia & [see Note 3 below] 851 Astrakhan, Russia * (85100) 855 Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia & 861 Krasnodar, Russia * (8612) 861 34 Novorossijsk (or Novorossiysk), Russia 861 37 Armavir 862 Sochi, Russia * (8620) 863 Rostov-na-Donu (or Rostov-on-Don), Russia * (8632) 863 42 Azov 863 44 Taganrog, Russia 863 52 Novocherkassk, Russia 865 Stavropol, Russia * (86522) 865 31 Mineralnye Vody, Russia 865 37 Kislovodsk, Russia 866 Nalchik, Russia (86600) 867 Vladikarkaz (formerly Ordzhonikidze), Russia * (86722) 867 Vladikarkaz, Russia * 871 Groznii (or Grozny), Russia * (87122) 872 Makhachkala, Russia (8720 or 87200) 879 Pyatigorsk, Russia (8790 or 87900) 881 Sukhumi, Georgia * (88122) [moving to +995] 882 Batumi, Georgia (88200) [moving to +995] 883 Tbilisi, Georgia * (8832) [moving to +995] 883 31 Kutaisi, Georgia [moving to +995] 885 Erevan (or Yerevan), Armenia * (8852) [now in +374] 885 69 Kumayri or Giumri (former Leninakan), Armenia [now in +374] 892 Baku, Azerbaijan * (8922) [may change to +994] 892 64 Sumgait, Azerbaijan [may change to +994] 895 Gyandzha, Azerbaijan * [may change to +994]
Note 1 (courtesy Jason Childers, notes added in brackets where new codes were found):
Date: 26 Feb 92 11:50:00 EST From: childeja@UDAVXB.OCA.UDAYTON.EDU (Jason Childers) Subject: Name Game in the CIS
Now that the Soviet Union (USSR, CCCP) is non-existent, the republics have decided to change the names of some of their cities back to their pre-Soviet titles. Here is a list of names which {Time Magazine} published last month, some of which are stated in the Telecom Archives file ZONE.7 as having city codes:
[notice 2 occurrences of Ordzhonikidze, in Russia and in Georgia]
Old name New Name Code
Leninakan, Armenia Kumayri or Giumri 7 885 69 Kirovabad, Azerbaijan Gyandzha 7 895 Minsk, Byelorussia Mensk, Belarus 7 017 Voroshilovgrad, The Ukraine Lugansk, Ukraine 7 064 [added by CGM from another source:] Ulyanovsk, Russia Simbirsk 7 842
Any edits and amendments would be appreciated.
Does anybody know if Kaliningrad (the little oblast north of Poland and west of either Estonia or Lithuania (sorry, don't have a map next to me) is going back to being known as Ko:nigsberg?
Jason Childers
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